Video Series: The Science Behind Values2WellBeing™

A free video series to learn the science behind the exciting coaching program. Scroll down to Preview the first Video!

Course Summary

Coaches! In these EXTREMELY CHALLENGING TIMES, when people are feeling anxious, worried, and in declining emotional, spiritual and physical well-being, doesn't it make sense that there should be a way to help your clients find truly meaningful and lasting positive changes in their life? We invite you to experience a new and exclusive coaching opportunity that science has proven to increase the well-being of your clients. The scientific study proved that by discovering our Core Values and their Acquired Values, then living in those true values, it elevates our happiness and overall well-being.

Enjoy this FREE  7-Part Video Series, where Laurie Cozart and Senka Holzer PhD discuss sharing the science behind Values2Wellbeing with the world!

Course Curriculum

Senka Holzer

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