Values2WellBeing™ Online Coach Certification Program

Award-winning | Science-based | Exclusive Content

Professional Coaches are needed NOW, more than EVER!


    >> Experience the accomplishment of getting remarkable 
    results for clients?
    >> Be a sought-after resource over a sea of other coaches?
    >> Provide a new proven way of coaching backed by 
    high-profile scientists?

Course Summary

Values2WellBeing is an online coaching program for professionals who seek options to raise the level of their practice beyond regular coaching training and are ready to invest in high-quality, science-based education.

"This award-winning, ICF-Certified training cohort is focused on developing and providing advanced coaching programs, for professional coaches who want to transform their practice beyond the standard, same-old-same-old practices and methodologies that it seems every coach is doing and are ready to invest in high-quality, science-based education."

The study behind Values2Wellbeing was conducted by Senka Holzer, Ph.D., and won the 2015 Harvard Medical School Research Award. Senka then worked with an elite team of Master Certified Coaches to develop this systematic process for reducing detrimental stress, increasing resiliency, and increasing life satisfaction.

You will be certified to coach this program and earn these credits towards your ICF credential renewal:

   * 40 CCEU’s
  (23 Core +
 17 Research & Development Competencies)

Here’s how…
You will receive a strong background in the newest wellbeing research and ethical issues, summarized in concepts and interventions that can be used in coaching:

   * TBA Introductory Call
TBA Science & Research Webinar

One-on-one and Group Coaching Support during the Program:
You will have access to Values2WellBeing Coaches, who are experts in the science and process and committed to your personal growth.

Learn to use the Values2Wellbeing concepts and exercises with your own clients in the following phases:

   * TBA / Train the Coach Module #1: Measuring your Rhetoric-Reality Gap™
TBA / Train the Coach Module #2: Understanding your Value System
TBA / Train the Coach Module #3: Closing your Expectation-Reality Gap™
TBA / Train the Coach Module #4: Enhancing areas that Matter Most
TBA / Ethics/Bias Webinar & GRADUATION!

Post-program Benefits:
   * Ongoing Coach Collaboration in our private V2WB Facebook Group
   * Continued access to Values2WellBeing resources and Coach Support

Are you interested, but have some questions? Book a no-pressure discovery call with Laurie Cozart directly.

Course Curriculum

Laurie Cozart

Heidi Glunz

Senka Holzer

The Mind-Body Health Connection  
For decades, psychologists and physicians have recognized the link between mental health and physical wellbeing. In fact, a recent internet search yielded 46,800 scholarly articles on mind-body interactions and health.  We are a team of coaches, educators and scientists whose professional experience has shown us the power people have to take control of their health and happiness by changing their attitudes and habits. In our studies, we have worked with hundreds of bright, motivated, and committed achievers. What did they have in common? Despite investing enormous amounts of energy, they all felt worn down and stuck in a life out of balance.
The typical responses for a remedy? "Work harder, do more of the same!"  That was never the answer.

Lois Thorpe Payne

ACC Life Coach

"I TREASURE the powerful information I gained from this program! I loved it all - the science, the group, the insights. It is truly a great program!  I can't wait to share the skills I've learned about Core vs. Acquired Values with my clients. So Exciting!"

Mary Wong


 "The Values2WellBeing course brings scientific evidence and coaching together.  As a coach, it gave me the tools needed to help clients identify their core values and bring this insight into creating and living a life of value."

Course Pricing

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Values2WellBeing Coach Certification Program

$2400 USD

  • Online Coach Certification Program

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